Spirit Ash
Well, you may have already beaten Shadow of the Erdtree, but FromSoft has gotten around to addressing one of the expansions biggest problems, the fact that your Spirit Ashes can almost never keep pace with tougher bosses, often dying in 5-15 second or so, even +10, even with blessings. Now, that’s changing. Huge, huge buffs all around.
Spirit Ashes
- Increased attack power and damage negation of all summoned spirits besides Mimic Tear when you have a Spirit Ash Blessing of +5 or more.
- Increased attack power and damage negation of all summoned spirits when they themselves are upgraded to +8 or more.
- Almost every Sprit Ash in the game has been buffed to no longer stagger as easily in battle.
Then there are further specific buffs to batches of Spirit Ashes like:
- Warhawk – Increased HP, physical attack power and Fire attack power. Increased Stance status.
- Land Squirt – Increased HP
- Spirit Jellyfish – Increased HP, physical attack power and poison status ailment buildup on enemies.
- Spider Scorpion – Increased physical attack power, poison status ailment buildup on enemies and damage negation except for strike and fire attributes.
- Gravebird – Increased HP and magic attack power
- Kaiden Mercenary – Increased HP and physical attack power
- Mad Pumpkin Head – Increased physical attack power
- Fire Monks – Increased HP and Fire attack power
- Ancestral Follower – Increased physical attack power
- Horned Warrior – Increased HP and damage negation except for pierce attacks.
- Azula Beastman – Increased HP and lightning attack power.
- Crystalian – Increased physical attack power
- Inquisitor – Increased HP
- Bloodfiend Hexer’s – Increased hemorrhage status ailment buildup on enemies.
- Messmer Soldier – Increased HP and physical attack power
- Stormhawk Deenh – Increased HP and physical attack power. Increased duration of effect to increase the attack power given to allies.
- Banished Knight Oleg – Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
- Banished Knight Engval – Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
- Bloodhound Knight Floh – Increased HP, physical attack power and damage negation against physical
- Black Knight Captain Huw – Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
- Black Knight Commander Andreas – Increased damage negation and guard boost against Holy and Physical attacks.
- Fire Knight Hilde – Increased Fire attack power.
- Fire Knight Queelign – Increased Vigor and Faith
- Swordhand of Night Jolan – Increased Vigor and Dexterity
- Battlemage Hugues – Increased physical attack power and magic attack power.
- Latenna the Albinauric – Increased HP, physical attack power, and magic attack power.
- Perfumer Tricia – Increased HP
- Depraved Perfumer Carmaan – Increased fire attack power
- Omenkiller Rollo – Increased HP, physical attack power and fire attack power
- Blackflame Monk Amon – Increased HP and fire attack power
- Curseblade Meera – Increased HP and physical attack power
- Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh – Increased HP, physical attack power, and magic attack power.
- Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff – Increased Lightning attack power and damage negation against Physical
- Redmane Knight Ogha – Increased physical attack power and damage negation against Physical and Fire
- Lhutel the Headless – Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
- Cleanrot Knight Finlay – Increased physical attack power and damage negation against Physical, Magic,
- Divine Bird Warrior Ornis – Increased HP and damage negation against Physical attacks except Pierce
- Ancient Dragon Florissax – Increased Arcane. Increased damage negation against all affinities. Increased Skills and Incantations usage rate. Increased the speed and poise values during some attacks.
- Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet – Increased Vigor and Faith
- Jawright Puppet – Increased Vigor
- Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet – Increased Vigor
- Nepheli Loux Puppet – Increased Vigor and Strength
- Dung Eater Puppet – Increased Vigor
- Nightmaiden and Swordstress – Increased HP and physical attack power
Elden Ring
Well, this informed me just how many Spirit Ashes I’ve missed in this game. Wow. If your favorite is not listed here remember that they still have the benefits of +5 blessing and +8 upgrades as that applies to all, and almost all Spirt Ashes have more stagger resistance now, minus the last six or so on the list here.
This is exactly what I said the game needed, huge, sweeping buffs to all Spirit Ashes except Mimic Tear so everyone didn’t feel like they had to use Mimic Tear during the entire expansion. I’m done with Erdtree now and may not return for a while, but remember, these changes also apply to the base game too, minus the blessing buff. So get out there and start experimenting.
These are not the only buffs or changes in this patch, but I’m running out of room. You can see the Skill, Weapon, Spell and Incantation changes in the full patch notes here.
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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.